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Evan Geier Campaign for You and Beyond
Crude Oil over $100​​
Evan D Geier
Honors B.S. business finance graduate at U of O, minor economics.
Labor in freezing cold environment (Dreyer's Ice-Cream), Phyiscal industrial labor (Longview Fibre / RSG Forest Products), Technological labor (Uber, Sears (Electronics), and TNG). Created this website myself
In the case the 30-Year interest rate hits 0% there is nothing left to borrow and slowly then faster the economy burns down and it could be argued it isn't the 30-Year.
Investor/Trader since 1995 (Going Forward Buy and Hold.)(Diversify, Outperform, Stay/Be/Get Safe, Invest in oil Specific tickers: CHK!!!(Fav), SWN, XOM at least 1/3 oil stocks
#Evan Geier contributes
Baseball team sports, Basketball team sports
Chess state tournament
High School three sport scholar athlete
State competition wrestler in high school (most improved fr),
Track high school, and high school soccer (3 year varsity)
Interested and active in researching, learning, and studying God/Religion as well as being religious
National honor society, student life volunteer, and A's in leadership
Senior class president
Finance Chair, National Communications Coordinator
ASUO Presidential Candidate (Votes via Online Internet)
Clackamas County Commissioner Seat #3 Candidate
Evan is asking search "Evan Geier" on YouTube
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